數位影像輸出於藝術紙 55x235cm 2014 Sea Glance Digital Print on Art Paper 55x235cm 2014 |
在按下連續快門的同時,順時針旋轉身體所拍得的照片,在這件作品中按照原景象重新拼接疊合並做了數位處理,影像中,那些凝固不動作的地景(堤坊、沙灘、天空...)的接合線被抹去,僅留下被快門留下的瞬時波浪以每禎照片的疊合線條生硬相隔,這些區段作為快門與身體動作速度結合後所顯現的時延;並且,作為全幅作品中唯一對焦至靠近攝影者的定位,畫面正前方的消波塊亦點出此前景象與拍攝者的空間維度。 If I glance at the sea, what will I see? a whole surface of the sea, ocean waves or a shimmer of sunlight? When I moved my body, I simultaneously pressed the shutter button by means of burst mode shooting. I later used digital image processing techniques to stitch the captured pictures together and merge image of the landscape part (the embankment, the beach, the sky). Another part of image (sea waves) was stitched together with obvious overlapping areas in between each photo, which were like evidences of duration as a result of the body movement and the shutter speed. The precisely focus image of tetrapods (concrete blocks used in coastal engineering) in the centre implied its shallow focus different from entire image and pointed out the spatial dimension of the photographer and the environment. |