Stopping by the sea, I sat on the pebbles with my crossed leg unevenly. A hum appeared when I slightly moved my body. At the time, sitting by the edge of the sea, within two-step distance to the whitecaps, my body sensed salt in the air of sea breeze. My eyes tired out after a long stare at the sea while I nearly neglected that my leg muscle were getting tensed as a result of fears of the high tides.
展 期Exhibition:2014/03/12 - 2014/03/28
開幕Opening:2014/03/13 (Thu) 10am
展覽地點Venue:竹師藝術空間NHCUE Art Space
( 國立新竹教育大學 新竹市南大路521號No.521, Nanda Rd., Hsinchu City 30014)
展場開放時間Open Hours: Mon to Fri , 9am-5pm
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